Peace & Love Post

School Day of Non-violence and Peace 


Valentine’s Day 

January 30th & February 14th 


Before coming to Spain I had never heard of, or celebrated, School Day of Non-violence and Peace. This was a first time experience for me and I enjoyed it very much. 

I got to do a lot of research about the day to understand its meaning and to be able to have discussions about it with the students. 

With the bilingual students of 1st and 2nd of ESOS we got to talk about how and why the day originated and what it means to us today. Since we want our students to enjoy learning we try to teach them in a fun way. With these groups we created a word search with words relating to peace and non-violence. The fun part was they they did not have the words, they had to think of it and then find it 😃 We had fun doing it and new words were added to the student’s vocabulary.

Students from FP Early Childhood Education also participated in celebrating this day. They came up with an amazing mural where they represented what peace meant to them and they showed their artistic side. Here are some pictures from what they were able to get done:


With peace we also have to think of love for others, and for ourselves as well. In February we celebrated Valentine’s Day and our students from ESOS had a lot of fun with it. 

In 1st of ESOS the students surprised me with a beautiful gift. They put their arts & crafts skills to good use and made a heart made out of smaller hearts with valentines messages written on them. Theygot to practiced their love vocabulary.

Thank You ❤️

Students in 3rd of ESOS also celebrated Valentine’s Day in their biology class the best way it could be done: they drew anatomically correct hearts - and I loved it! 
They also got to put their artistic skills to good use and the drawings came out spectacular. 
And they are good with their words too, poets in the making.
They all did an amazing job but I cannot show all of them, so here are some of my favorites:

Amaia Cuadra Crespo (3A)

Sara del Barco (3A)

Clara Sanchez (3A)

We all hope that you had a lovely Valentine’s Day!


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